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Rollin' For What's Right


chiquita  and I

Get to Know Me

Hi, I’m Jennifer Gilleland and I am prominent member of the Uvalde community either by name, reputation, or simply known as the woman who rolls the streets of Uvalde daily in a power wheelchair. I treat my wheelchair as my feet / vehicle, it is essential to my independence. I have never considered myself an inspiration to others, I have just done what I was taught to do, which was work twice as hard as everyone else to accomplish my goals. My cerebral palsy has given me my share of struggles and heartaches, but this disability is a part of me. Through the years, it has taught me the power of resiliency, determination, patience, and laughter. Sure, I’ve been tried and tested, rejected more than I can count, fallen flat on my face both literally and figuratively, yet I keep getting back up hoping for change. Each one of us is battling something, mine just happens to be audible and visible. Despite my disability I have achieved a long list of accomplishments. I graduated from Uvalde High School in 1997 and from Southwest Texas Junior College in 2001. In May 2006, I earned my Master of Education in counseling with licensed professional counselor eligibility from Sul Ross State University Rio Grande College. I organized the Ray of Hope Disabilities Support Group in 2010.


I have always loved Uvalde, but lately I am so frustrated, disappointed, and embarrassed by the lack of leadership shown and acted upon in this city, and county. I continue to give the leaders of Uvalde the benefit of the doubt that they will act and the only action I see is inaction. We all must be responsible and accountable for our actions. If I am going to complain about these broken entities, then I should be willing to roll for what’s right and announce my candidacy for mayor. Our current leaders seem to have forgotten that they work for the citizens of Uvalde. May 24, 2022, changed our community. It is broken and divided due to the lack of accountability and responsibility. The only way for our community to heal and unite is by making full scale changes. I do not follow, I lead. It’s time to stop accepting mediocrity and do better; we deserve better.  Let me be clear, I am not running for notoriety or to prove anything to anyone it’s been done. I will not be changing the way I interact with others because my disability is a part of me, but I will prepare statements when necessary. I’ve been asked repeatedly why am I running. The answer is simple, I want change for Uvalde and action for Uvaldeans. So, come roll with me as we begin this journey together. 

Why Roll for me as your next Mayor of Uvalde?

  • Educated – Master of Education SRSU Rio Grande College

  • Knowledge of the needs of Uvalde

  • Uvaldeans matter – You will be heard and responded to

  • Unique Perspectives

  • Motivator    

  • Authentic

  • Resilient

  • Determined

  • Patience

  • Leader

  • Rollin’ For What’s Right

water tower

Join Us

Blue and Red Political Election Instagram Post (1).png

About My Campaign 

My campaign is very simple, a block-by-block approach getting to know voters. I have done my research regarding the previous mayoral election and the voter turnout was larger than ever before. My hope is to maintain these numbers and surpass them.


I am a very independent person, and I know what I stepped into or rather stepping up to by attempting to run for mayor. I consider myself the "underdog" in this race which is a role I'm quite familiar with dare I say comfortable with!  Uvaldeans have never elected a female mayor let alone a female with a disability 


This brings me to the big white elephant in the room that I must address, my cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy may vary in severity and is defined as a group of conditions which affects movements and posture. Predominately, cerebral palsy occurs when the brain is deprived of oxygen usually at birth. This is exactly what happened to me which affected my ability to walk as well as my speech.  My mom always told me "God just needed a way to slow you down!" I was always taught that I can do anything I set my mind to.  This is how I live my life each day remembering that everything is possible 

Plan of Action to Do Better for Uvaldeans


Open Communication 

Ensuring that All Voices are Heard

As a whole Uvalde is governed by three entities the City, County, and the School District. which acts independently of one another. There should be a constant and continual flow of information among these governing bodies. City Council should hold monthly open forums to allow an open dialog with citizens and elected officials.

Restoration and Recovery 

Everyone Counts

Advocacy is an essential pillar of my Campaign. There is strength in numbers, and we work to inform and encourage others to roll for what they believe in.

Responsibility and accountability are critical to the restoration and recovery of our community. We all must be responsible and accountable for our actions to improve Uvalde for future generations.


Access For All

Accessibility is about more than compliance with standards. It’s about developing solutions to meet the needs of all users, with and without disabilities.

There should be sidewalks throughout Uvalde and all streets need to be repaved. Uvalde has other resources which are continually untapped that would make getting around Uvalde easier

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